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Sick Furdiburb

January 30, 2012

Sometimes Furdiburb gets sick. I’m not always sure why, though I know that sometimes this happens if he eats before I dry him off:


Poor dude.

Tokori sells a potion that’ll make this go away, and like all of Tokori’s potions, the color of the potion matches the color of Furdi’s rash. In this case, we want the Orange Elixir — this one:

Orange Elixer

It’ll set you back 400 credits. But it’ll make Furdiburb all happy and smiley again, so it’s totally worth it. right?


To use a potion, get it out of your inventory and drag it to Furdiburb. The potion will pour over his head, sparkle for a bit, and then do its magic.

From → Tips & Tricks

  1. abigail permalink

    The medicine cost so much

  2. Ellie Mckee permalink

    WOW!I’ve never had such a fun game.I
    love your hints.When I
    get stuck,I always know where to go!

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